Long time no see!

Since the last time I have written I have been doing my best to eat vegan. It has not been easy because I have been romping around in a land down under- that’s right- I’m in Australia for the summer!

Before I came here I did a quick internet search to uncover some facts about animal rights and factory farming in Australia. What I discovered was GREAT news! Two grocery stores, whose combined sales account for 60% of all grocery sales in the country, have both discontinued sales of any factory farmed pork or eggs! This is such a massive step in the right direction and just one of the many reasons I love this country!

I went on a road trip around the small towns of the southeast of Australia for the last two weeks and I had some deliciously amazing local, humane, and sustainable foods. At one restaurant, in Eden, NSW, I had a slice of veggie lasagna. Oh. My. Goodness. It was one of the most satisfying meals I have ever had. It’s been weeks since I had anything covered in gooey and melted cheese and the first bite I took of that lasagna was heaven on earth. How appropriate it happened in a town called Eden!

Unfortunately for me, if you have been avoiding dairy products for weeks and you eat a ton of cheese your stomach isn’t exactly going to be happy with you. Yikes. That is all I have to say on the internet about that…

In other happy news I had the freshest fish I will probably ever have the pleasure of encountering in the tiny


fishing town of Bermagui, NSW. A sign over the counter boasted thatm “all of our seafood comes from local and sustainable fisheries” and while we were sitting on the dock, looking out over the ocean, we watched a boat deliver fish into a truck which then pulled up to the restaurant. The fish had literally come from the water directly in front of me. I will probably never find seafood- or any animal food- that local again anytime soon. The fried fish and chips really hit the spot after not eating fish for ten months.

I am still continuing to try to eat as vegan as possible which involves a lot of tofu, tons of hummus- no joke thousands of pounds- and a lot A LOT of spinach with every meal. It’s harder being abroad because I want to try things when it’s a “when in Rome” situation. We visited multiple cheese factories, for instance, and I wish I had tried some of the cheese.

That is all for now, but I will be sure to post again more regularly! Cheers!

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